Stream MD-1B

This post is for stream MD-1B. I won’t name streams on my site (sorry, don’t ask) to prevent them from being “spot burned” or unwanted attention drawn to them.

Stream MD 1B

Stream MD-1B is a freestone tributary to stream MD-1A and an outstanding stream in it’s own right. The stream is approximately 8 miles long and features some remote habitat with only 2 access points (confluence with MD-1A and on the upper end) with approximately 5 miles of remote, rugged terrain in between.

Beautiful wild brook trout

Several features of the stream make it an excellent brook trout stream. It has multiple deep pools between 4 to 8 feet deep, multiple log jams with deep pools and lots of cover, and the entire stream is heavily shaded. Multiple cold water seeps along it’s course, coupled with the shade ensures cold water temperatures year round. Finally, the stream is catch and release only for brook trout.

The largest brook trout from this stream

All of these features result in some sizeable, healthy and strong brook trout. This system currently has the best chance of producing a unicorn. The fish are able to move through tributaries and the mainstem unhindered, which allows them to find refuge throughout the year. I’m excited to explore this area in more detail over the coming years.

Typical Size for this stream

My most recent trip to the stream revealed slightly lower water levels than when I fished it in February. Even with lower flows, the elevation drop/gradient still produces several whitewater rapids (on a small stream scale anyway) and the fish seemed happy.

Late Spring Flows
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