Stream MD-1A

This post is for stream MD-1A. I won’t name streams on my site (sorry, don’t ask) to prevent them from being “spot burned” or unwanted attention drawn to them.

Stream MD-1A is a freestone stream in Western Maryland that is now one of the largest intact brook trout habitats in the east. Due to zero creel regulations on the system, it’s now producing some of the best brook trout fishing north of the Shenandoah range.

Typical size for this river

Fish like the above are typical throughout the upper river. Smaller fish are plentiful as well, and with the regulations in place, the river has a great chance at becoming one of the best, if not the best, brook trout stream in the east. I lost a fish that was in the 12-1/2″ to 13″ range, which would probably qualify as a unicorn. Additionally, the lower river has a unique environment that is producing huge brook trout. There are reports of wild brook trout in the 14″ – 15″ range. I was unable to photograph one of the fish from the lower river, but was in the 11″ – 11-1/2″ range. I also had a swipe by one that was easily 13″ – 14″. I’ll do another post on that part of the river once I get an opportunity to spend more time there.

The habitat, lack of invasive species (no brown trout are stocked in the river), water temperature and connectivity with it’s multiple tributaries make the river a number one ranked stream for a unicorn. If not now, in the next few years, this river should produce some unbelievable brook trout. It’s already producing some of the biggest, most plentiful brook trout of any stream I’ve ever fished.

Beautiful wild brook trout

This area, in general, with all of it’s tributaries and mainstem habitat is truly brook trout nirvana. In a few weeks I’ll be spending 3 full days fishing and exploring these rivers and tributaries. While there is no way to explore it all in 3 days, I plan to see as much as possible during the trip. I’ll report back once the trip is over, and hopefully, finally, get a unicorn.

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